Case Studies

Transforming Leadership at Tiger Wheel & Tyre: A Success Story with Lindie Malan


Since October 2021, Tiger Wheel & Tyre, a popular national retailer, has embarked on a transformation journey with Lindie Malan's help. Lindie has coached 51 individuals, including sales managers and key staff, to improve their management skills and leadership abilities.


The Challenge


Tiger Wheel & Tyre faced a common issue in retail: promoting top salespeople to manager roles. These new managers had to handle store finances and lead teams but often lacked the necessary management skills. This gap affected their ability to meet Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).


The Solution


Lindie’s coaching aimed to solve these issues. Her work included:


  • One-on-One Coaching: Helping align personal goals with company goals, improving leadership skills, and driving growth.
  • Group Training: Teaching management skills to build a strong and effective team.


Her approach included:


  • Personality Assessments: To understand current perspectives and self-awareness.
  • Gap Analysis: Identifying personal coaching goals.
  • Growth Goals: Setting development targets.
  • Regular Coaching: Focusing on feedback, discussion, and accountability.


Focus Areas


Lindie’s tailored coaching improved leadership by:


  • Overcoming limiting behaviours and thoughts.
  • Achieving clear strategies.
  • Enhancing prioritization and communication.
  • Boosting team engagement and motivation.

Success Stories


Lindie’s coaching made a big impact. Here’s what some of the participants had to say:

Willem Van Der Westhuizen, Coastal Operations Manager:

“Lindie is a true professional… Thanks, Lindie… I am again reminded of the amazing influence you have on our team members.” 

Eugene Joubert, Regional Manager:

“The best experience I’ve ever had with a coach in understanding myself and my abilities. Lindie helps a lot to make sure you understand yourself and your abilities. She helps improve your mindset and way of thinking. THIS WAS THE BEST EXPERIENCE I EVER HAD!!!”


Wynand van Staden, Sales Manager:

“I have started delegating some responsibilities, which gave me more time to focus on other business areas, including new growth. Coaching with Lindie was an awesome experience that opened my eyes to more than what I thought was important. I will recommend coaching with Lindie as she helped me see that motivation starts within oneself.”

Riaan Grobbelaar, Sales Manager:

“The content and videos open your eyes to see how you can streamline your workload by giving responsibilities to your team and letting them handle the ‘monkeys’ that take up your time every day. The course made me grow in my personal life and business. Thank you again for a super course.”


Josina Marokane, Sales Manager:

“The program changed my life. Before, I didn't know how to handle many problems. But now I know how to be a great leader and manager. I now know leadership and management go hand in hand.”


Lizette Hendricks, Sales Manager:

“Lindie taught me that people need to take accountability for their actions. Writing down goals, taking steps day-by-day, following your action plan, and pushing hard towards the main objective. Consistent hard work always pays off. I am grateful to have been on this program with Lindie. I applaud her for her courageous outlook on life and the changes she has made within me and my immediate circle.”

Francois Kirsten

"WOW WOW WOW. Van die oomblik af toe ek gekies is om deel van die program te wees tot op die laaste dag, onbeskryflik. Hoe kan ek dit in woorde beskryf. Inspirerend, motiverend, nuwe idees, verfrissend. Al die interrante huiswerk, self studie, videos en sessies elke 2 weke was ongelooflik."

Edward Hewitt, Sales Manager:

"I joined this program because I wanted to learn more about business growth and how to be the perfect leader/manager.

I wanted to learn how to always have a plan and mainly how to plan properly to get my days more organised. This 12-week management masterclass program assisted me in achieving my goals in time management and communication. I loved the week-by-week worksheets that made it easier to understand and manageable.
Each section has an objective. And the example layouts give you a vision, purpose, and mission.

I sailed through the course in 12 weeks because it’s sectioned into worksheet sessions that kept me curious to learn more. Thank you, Lindie."

Jared Lombard, Sales Manager:

"What sets Lindie apart is her genuine commitment to my success. She took the time to understand my unique needs and tailored her coaching approach accordingly.

The personalisation and attention to detail have made all the difference. I am incredibly grateful for the growth and transformation I’ve experienced under Lindie’s guidance."

Riaan Du Plessis, Sales Manager:

"The Management Masterclass was a game-changer! Lindie's engaging teaching style made the complex concepts clear and actionable. Thanks to her insights, I've already seen a productivity boost in my team. I highly recommend this course to anyone looking to take their leadership skills to the next level."

JP Ferreira, Sales Manager:

"Lindie Malan dankie vir die vertroue en groei wat jy in ons lewens kon plaas. Ek kan met oorgawe sê, dat jy luister, ons terapeut, waar ons as leiers vermoë verloor het met fisiese-, verstandelike-, emosionele- met ontwikkelingsprobleme. Lindie jy het ons laat besef dat alles in jou eie ontwikkeling eers moet groei en so kan ons die ondervinding met ander deel en as ‘n span groei. Die lewe het sy eie beperkings en so ondruk mens homself en die kursus het gehelp om uiter- en innerlike konflik wat deur ons emosies geaffekteer word agter telaat. Die lesing van “dis hoe jy jouself sien wat jou weerhou om sukses te behaal!"

Business Coach ActionCOACH Lindie Malan
Business Coach ActionCOACH Lindie Malan

Susan Herbst, Regional Manager Coastal


"It has been 4 months since my last session, and I have been very mindful of my actions and behaviour. I believe I have grown as a person, in my personal as well as work life and capacity.


I used to “ruminate” and sometimes think about situations a little more than what they deserve, but the growth happened in that. I am aware that I am ruminating, and I pull myself out of it very quickly. Reaching a point where “it is what it is” is incredibly empowering. You can’t change how people respond but you can change how you react. Things that would have me hiding in my shell, feeling negative and miserable over suddenly still affect me, but I don’t break down, I feel my feelings, but I move on because that too shall pass."


Write down the 5 most important things you have learned about yourself, your job or position at Tiger Wheel & Tyre, and life in general because of coaching with me.

  • "I need to explain myself so that people don’t misunderstand me. I need to regulate my expectations so that people don’t misinterpret them.
  • For everything I say yes to, I say no to something else. And have I learnt some expensive lessons with this one?
  • Be intentional in everything that I do. What is the reason for doing something?
  • Put pressure where pressure is due. If I have to step up and rescue every time, it is my fault as I need to empower people to be able to stand their ground.
  • Two currencies in a social relationship: respect and trust, both are earned.
  • Can’t pour from an empty cup."


What changes have you implemented in yourself, your work habits, or at work? What were the results?

  • "I try to communicate clearly and concisely with my team.
  • I work on keeping traction with my team daily, with regular check-ins, and I ask for their input and feedback.
  • I say no when it’s not my responsibility. Don’t do for people what they can and should do for themselves.
  • I stand up for myself."


Coaching with Lindie was …

"The “plan” I have always had the tools and the toolbox, but I needed to see the plan to realise how to use the tools to impact the legacy I will leave behind."


Will you recommend coaching with Lindie?


"Most certainly, I very often tell my circle of friends about the impact it had on me as a person. I have learnt valuable lessons, and I encourage all of them as well as my teams, to take up this journey."


Anything we can change, should change or do differently going forward?


"No, keep doing what you are doing. You add value. Thank you for the experience."

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