Why Every Business Should Have a Coach: Real Results with Viljoen Jewellers!

Lindie Malan

August 6, 2024

Why Every Business Should Have a Coach: Real Results with Viljoen Jewellers!

Why Every Business Should Have a Coach: Real Results with Viljoen Jewellers!

Have you ever considered the transformative power of a business coach? For many entrepreneurs, the concept might seem a bit alien, but I'm here to demystify the profound impact that a business coach can have on your enterprise. In today's world, the business landscape is nothing short of a roller coaster—volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous. It's what experts call the VUCA world of business. As a business owner, you may find yourself navigating this terrain, facing challenges that seem insurmountable.

Let me share a tale that illustrates the magic of coaching—a story about a client I began working with just last year. Viljoen Jewellers, a manufacturing and retail gem in Worcester, reached out with questions that many of you might share: What difference could a business coach make? What does it mean to work with one?

Plagued by frustration and feeling stuck, they were eager to explore new possibilities and break free from the status quo. And that's where I stepped in.

Reflecting on our journey, I can categorise my impact on Viljoen Jewellers under three significant headings:

1. Catalyst for Change: They had ideas and strategies collecting dust on the shelf—brilliant concepts that never made it past the "What if?" stage. As a business coach, I ignited the spark to turn those ideas into actionable plans. Together, we set goals, crafted a 90-day game plan, assigned responsibilities, and held them accountable. The result? Strategies that leapt from the page into real life, driving tangible change.

2. Facilitator of Dynamic Dialogue: In any partnership, there are topics we dance around, and conversations we avoid. I fostered open, honest discussions between the partners, cutting through the noise and the "BS" to uncover the heart of issues. This process not only strengthened their relationship but also clarified roles and contributions, leading to a synergy that was previously untapped.

3. Source of Growth Strategies: From revamping recruitment processes to refining sales strategies, I provided a wealth of knowledge to optimize their business operations. We worked on enhancing their current client relationships while also attracting new ones. With an eye on the future, we developed a scalable business model to ensure Full Yoon's growth was not just a possibility but an inevitability.

Recently, I came across a thought-provoking insight from the book "Trillion Dollar Coach" by Eric Schmidt. When searching for a business coach, consider what you truly seek from the partnership. A coach is someone who compels you to confront the things you'd rather avoid, who tells you what you don't want to hear, all so you can become the person you've always known you could be. That's the power of coaching.

So, are you ready to explore the potential of working with a business coach? Click the link below to schedule a 15-minute call to discuss the challenges you're facing in your business. It's an opportunity to discover how we might collaborate to elevate your business to new heights.

Reach out and let's start a conversation that could change the course of your business forever.

Click Here to Schedule your 15-minute Call.

Watch the video below.

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