To Lead is a Choice…the 4 ‘I’s of Thriving Leadership

Lindie Malan

December 31, 2024

To Lead is a Choice…the 4 ‘I’s of Thriving Leadership

Title: To Lead is a Choice…the 4 ‘I’s of Thriving Leadership

Navigating ourselves and our businesses in an ever-changing environment with macroeconomic forces at play has become a real challenge for many.

Yet, for every business that reaches the end of its road, many more businesses thrive despite of.

What makes the difference? Could it be the quality of leadership? And if so,  what are some of the common attributes of thriving leadership?

Herewith 4 ‘I’s’ of thriving leadership, namely:



Influence &


1.   Intent

‘If I see it, I believe it, I will build it'

An intentional life, leadership, and business on purpose with purpose,

Being deliberate & calculated. Napoleon Hill, in his book Outwitting the Devil, refers to a ‘definiteness of purpose’ that results in mastery of self, learning from adversity, and controlling outside influences.

It has been said that the ‘best way to predict one’s future, is to create it’. Invest in the time to define one’s purpose, envisaging a future that does not yet exist. Include clearly defined specific outcomes and goals with a timeline.

Leading with intent also gives hope, something for yourself and others to believe in. One of the greatest gifts that leaders give is HOPE – never underestimate the Power of HOPE.

Questions to ask:

“Do you have the ability to visualise and verbalise your vision of the future?”
Do you communicate this often? Do others see it, believe it, and choose to follow you?


Allocate ‘time & space’ to think and plan. Schedule a regular annual strategic planning opportunity and quarterly review of results achieved with monthly & weekly focus.

On a personal note, also do a regular vision board and always keep it close as a constant daily reminder.

2. Inspire

Filling others with an urge to do something. Enrolling, igniting, and inspiring others to join you on your journey.

Inspiration is the fuse that creates momentum, setting the pace….this takes lots and lots of POSITIVE ENERGY! As we create momentum, the future looks brighter, obstacles appear smaller and challenges seem inconsequential.

John Maxwell refers to ‘want power’ instead of ‘will power’. The inspired team does and follows out of their own free will, being fully engaged.

Questions to ask:

“How do others feel around me?

What are their levels of energy and engagement?


Start by building a team with shared values and beliefs. People like us, do things like us!

Encourage open and transparent communication. As a leader be prepared to be open and vulnerable, building trust and earning the respect of others.

3. Influence

The capacity to affect the character, development, or behaviour of others. Becoming an influential leader creates long-term sustainable momentum resulting in high levels of innovation, creativity, and growth.

Creating an environment of growth has become crucial in the ever-changing business reality. It is a well-known fact that Steve Jobs did not invent the iPod, iPad, etc…all of these innovations came from his team. He just created the inspiration and environment for others to be creative and brilliant!

Weaker leaders often feel intimidated by the skills, talent, and expertise of others. They often tend to recruit and appoint individuals with skills and knowledge below their level of skill & knowledge, holding on to positional leadership and manipulation.

On the other hand,
thriving leaders understand that leadership is all about raising and developing others to their highest potential.

Questions to ask:

“Who do they become because of me?”


Invest in your team, encouraging growth through self-awareness, self-development, and self-determination. Creating opportunities for one’s team to develop their skill, knowledge, and levels of mastery.

Also give recognition, spotlighting individual performance.

Building a high-performance team is fundamental to building a successful business that can be sustainable, profitable, and effectively work without you – the ActionCOACH way!

4. Impact

Thriving leadership has a marked effect on results, always adding value and creating value.

Impactful leadership is always tangible, visible, and can be measured. In business, the impact of leadership is reflected in the financial results.
Non-financial impactful leadership in business supports self-development and the actualising of individual and collective potential. Impacting on a social level includes volunteering, giving back, and paying forward i.e. mentorship, intern opportunities, financial assistance, job opportunities, etc.

Questions to ask:

Are we moving forward? What have we learned? How can we improve? What else? Where else?

Tips: Create a dashboard to measure improvement, defining KPIs for individuals and teams.

Impactful leadership embraces the process of continuous learning and growth.

In summary:
Thriving leadership is a choice and a calling…Asking oneself:

‘Do you dare…?’

If your answer is ‘YES’, then step into your space and lead with Intent, Inspiration, Influence, and impact!

Click Here to Schedule your 15-minute Call.

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