Title: Does your business have a sell-by date?
In other words, a sell-by date is a time after which something or someone is no longer considered desirable or effective. In the current digital age, change is a constant and the ways we always conducted ‘business’ are long gone past.
Such as:
A loyal ‘locked-in’ customer base
Commercial giants being ‘untouchable’ in terms of market share
A significant, well-established brand that guaranteed future income
Standing in queues…’ waiting your turn’
With the digital age comes a term called ‘agile company’. An agile company is an agile organization (designed for both stability and dynamism). It is a network of teams within a people-centred culture that operates in rapid learning and fast decision cycles which are enabled by technology, and that is guided by a powerful common purpose to co-create value for all stakeholders.
According to an article published by Mc Kinsey and Company in January 2018, ‘The five trademarks of agile organizations’, the following trademarks are important:
Strategy – a shared purpose and vision as well as sensing and seizing opportunities.
Structure – clear flat company structure with accountable roles; fit-for-purpose accountable cells.
Process – performance orientations with transparent information; continuous learning with action-based decision-making skills.
People – a cohesive community with service and servant leadership; entrepreneurial drive.
Technology – evolving technology architecture, systems and tools.
All of the above are reasons to ‘not be in a comfort zone’ anymore and to literally ‘wake up and smell the roses’…if it is not too late already…therefore again the question…does your business have a ‘sell-by date’?